Monday, September 12, 2011

The Great Escape

Well, Millie's done it yet again!  She escaped her cage for the third time!  I think we will change her name to Houdini.

The first time, my mom was hamster-sitting for us while we were in the UK and she found Millie sitting outside of her cage.

The second time, Geoff was with her when he looked over at her and caught her in the act!  She was just climbing out of her cage.

This time was her greatest escape yet!  Two nights ago something woke me up at 5:15(AM!).  I checked the clock to see the time and was debating whether I should just stay awake since I had to get up in an hour or go back to sleep when I heard a noise in the corner of my room.  We had our window wide open so I just thought it was the wind blowing a bag we had in the corner.  Then I heard a loud rustling noise.  Now THAT made me sit up.  Then I heard another noise in the opposite corner of the room.  At this time, I promptly gave Geoff a big shove to wake him up but to no avail.
Geoff likes to sleep with the balcony door open sometimes so I thought a squirrel had come in and was crawling around in our room.  After a few shoves and pokes Geoff finally woke up.  I whispered, "There's something in the room!"  He just rolled over to go back to sleep but then he heard a noise also and he shot up so quickly I still can't help laughing! lol.  Once he sat up, he kind of flopped to the side of the bed because both of his arms were asleep and he couldn't get up.  We looked over the side of the bed and realized it was Millie and I proceeded to chase her to pick her up while Geoff was still on the bed trying to get his arms to work.  I eventually caught her and we put her back in her cage.  Needless to say, I couldn't get back to sleep after that.  But Geoff, of course, had no problems going back to sleep.  He made sure she couldn't escape again then went right back to bed.

Here is a pic of how he trapped her in her cage.
You can't really see it in this pic, but there is a little blue cap right under the book, in the centre, that Millie twists with her teeth to unlock it and pushes it out.

Geoff figured it's a fool-proof plan to place a heavy book on top to stop her from unlocking it.  So far it has worked.  But Millie is a very determined hamster and one day I fully expect to see her sitting outside of her cage having found another means of escape!

Stay tuned for Houdini's next Great Escape!

On a side note, Geoff has started his own blog and needs some followers so check it out @